Friday, February 3, 2012

Normal Life

2 hr delay this morning due to fog. It was getting foggy last night as Dipstick and I were coming home from grief group in "the city". At first Dipstick couldn't see it then 30 min later he was saying "oh it definitely is foggy". I am thankful for the delay but rather wish I could have gone back to bed and slept some more. But we usually get the call too late for me to do that - I'm usually about to go get dressed.

This week has been nice weather overall - highs have been well above normal and it feels rather like spring. However the groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of winter. We will see if that is what happens. (Squirrel says he has run shirtless this week - that means it's been warm. His definition and mine tend to be a little different.)

There's not much else going on - just normal life. Today after bus route I have to go back to the "city" on a parts run. Will probably have just enough time to do that and then back on the bus. Tonight we are meeting a college friend of B's for supper - he's not seen this friend for over 25 years so that should be interesting. Tomorrow is ISSMA (Indiana State School Music Association) competition. Squirrel has to be there by 8:40 am and it's an hour drive. We probably won't leave there until after 2 so that will be another long day. (Not as long as the final state competition will be but that's in Indianapolis and right now we don't know if we are going or not).

My slide/negative scanner appears to have died. It turns on and scans but will not save and will not stay on. I do have another one but have not got it out of the box and installed yet. The new(er) one is supposed to also scan photos so that will be helpful if it works.

I'd better scoot - time to go get dressed. B and Dipstick are wrestling around on the couch. I want to leave a little early as my bus needs fuel and I won't want to do that after route.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm glad you blogged. Now I know where you are and what you're doing. It will be a busy weekend. Looks like another grey day here--I'll have to try to make it bright inside.