Friday, April 23, 2010

Today's Goal

Goal for today: Clear off the area where my sewing machine is so that maybe this weekend I can sew. Yesterday I cleared off my craft desk and the area around feels like next time I have time to scrapbook I will actually be able to do so. I will take pictures when I get the huge box that is currently in the corner emptied and sorted.

B has taken the day off to go to the big annual village garage sale south of here. I went with him last year and enjoyed myself - more just being with him then dealing with the crowds. However he planned a guys day with some of his buddies and I'm ok with that. I have been so busy driving track meets and running boys around that I'm thankful for the time at home alone during the day today. I'm not planning to accomplish a huge project...just a little bit. Supper is basically already made as it wasn't done as much as I wanted it to be last night so I continued cooking it overnight and it's fall apart tender now. I did stop at two garage sales on the way home this morning - one just south of our house and one on my bus route. Didn't purchase much and am content. I've had a short nap, loaded dishwasher and had it's time to be away to work on my project.


Therese said...

good luck with your goal. My sewing area is only minutes away from being finished. Once I have finished breakfast and coffee, will be getting off computer and finishing it off.

Susanne said...

I love garage saleing and can hardly wait for the weather to cooperate.

Thanks for the blog visit.