Saturday, September 19, 2009

He brews or why I don't do mornings

So this morning I'm trying to fix a fresh pot of coffee. I fill the reservoir with water, put a clean filter in...I grind the beans and push start. A few minutes later I wonder why my coffee is such a clear color...I know I ground the beans...Oh...wait a minute...did I put them in the filter?? Needless to say I hadn't.

There's a good reason why he brews in this house. (and it's not B it's usually Stretch that brews for me). The boys have learned to leave me mostly alone until I've had at least one cup of coffee.


Linds said...

Good grief - I miss a day and you post twice!!! The seasons are definitely changing ehre too. The sun is weaker, and sort of washed out, if you know what I mean. But I will take the sun over the grey skies any time!
You certainly are busy, and with all the running around you do for your family, I am very glad to hear you get your coffee brewed for you. I am just the same - not quite human till the first cup is consumed!

Marilyn said...

LOL!!!! As Garfield once said, "I'd like mornings better if they started later!!"

carrhop said...

I've managed to dump entire carafes of water, spill beans and grinds...yep. I can do it...I just shouldn't be trusted with the end product...


Susanne said...

LOL. This soooo sounds like me. I am privelaged that hubby gets up earlier than me and has coffee ready otherwise I'd have many a morning of very "clear" coffee.

Thanks for the blog visit. Please come by again!

Alicia W. said...

I'm new to your blog and just HAD to say HELLO! I'm Alicia from S.C.. Nice to meet ya. :)

someone else said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog this week.

I can totally relate to this post. I have a magnet on my frig that says "All the coffee beans in Columbia won't make me into a morning person". Oh so true.