Saturday, January 14, 2012

Time Flies

Well hard to believe it's already the 14th of January. Time is flying by as usual. The house is quiet this morning...B, Squirrel and Dipstick have gone to cut down a large tree for wood. We won't use the wood - S's husband C is along and he will take the wood for their outdoor wood burner. Stretch is back at college - he went back last Sunday evening. Classes started Tuesday for him.

Inside the tv is on, the dishwasher is going, the wood furnace is going and it is snowing lightly outside. It is already warmer this morning at 16' F then it was all day yesterday but still pretty chilly. The snowflakes are actually bigger than they were yesterday as well - maybe they aren't as cold??

I was very thankful to have an unexpected day off yesterday - we all had a snow day though it didn't snow as much as was predicted. Having said that I'm thankful we didn't have to have school kids on buses - many do not dress as warm as they should for the weather and my bus at least does not warm up well. Guess the roads were pretty slick yesterday morning - and the wind was howling. I used my time to get the Christmas tree down and put away - ornaments also this year! Also inventoried both freezers and left one unplugged. I need to go down this morning and clean that out so it can be used again. Squirrel helped alot with both those jobs - probably would not have accomplished either one without his help.

Do have some goals for this year - will try to post them next time. One of the key ones is to spend more time being creative - whether that is blogging, working with my pictures or working on one of my other hobbies. In order to accomplish those however I have to also become more organized. Yikes! Guess I've got a start though as getting an inventory of the freezers was part of one. Now I just have to figure out how to keep an inventory current.

No pictures on the computer at this point in time as we had a computer crash already this year. It's back up - we had to set it back to factory settings! However I've still not got it back totally set up the way I want it. Step at a time.

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