Robin's nest in Grandpa's bird house |
Hard to believe it's been almost a month since I've written. This summer has become crazy busy again. Tonight my heart is heavy - so many hurting people. Two girls off my bus route tried to run away today. They were found safely but have accused their parents of abuse and as a result the girls are in the care of CPS while the parents are facing questions from the authorities. I know the parents as well as the girls and don't for a minute believe the accusations. However the questions still must be dealt with. I can only imagine the emotional pain. The aunt of one of my best friends had a stroke yesterday and while prognosis initially looked good things are grim tonight. To make matters more stressful aunt was in town for the wedding of one of her niece's supposed to happen this Saturday. Two boys that I've had on my bus in the past lost their grandfather this morning.
Mike's brother D is still healing from his bicycle accident that he had last week. He had stitches in his hip, has 2 broken bones in his hand, lots of road rash and possibly a broken rib. He missed his grandfather's funeral this past Friday as a result of the accident. Grandpa K was 97 - he lived a long life. His health had been going downhill for several months and he'd been between rehab and hospital several times. He broke his hip in rehab on a Friday night - had surgery to repair it Monday (10 days ago) and did well during surgery. They were planning to send him back to rehab the end of last week. He died on Tuesday. The blessing was that up until just the past couple of weeks his mind was still sharp - he winked goodbye to his dear friend that afternoon.
Squirrel and that old red plastic bat |
Stretch, Squirrel and I took off last Thursday for TN so we could attend Grandpa's funeral. It was a bittersweet trip - and fast. When I told Squirrel last week about Grandpa having surgery he immediately started listing off his memories from when we'd visited - playing ball in the yard with the red plastic bat, riding the lawn mower, shucking corn...it was important we made the trip. I loved the place in TN - out in the country, beautiful view...that place will likely be sold now. We were home by midnight on Saturday night as all 3 of us had responsibilities at church the next day. Sunday evening D's wife La arrived at our place with her youngest son. She spent the night so that Monday morning early (5:30ish) we could hit the road again to go meet the guy from the funeral home to bury Grandpa in OH. (We weren't sure he knew we were coming). I'd been to that cemetery when Grandma K died - 5 years ago I think - but didn't remember exactly how to find it. We used maps on the phone and in the atlas to get close - then things started to look familiar. After that it was pretty much by the seat of our pants. We made it in time and spent about an hour and a half there - it was very interesting to talk to the guys who worked there. Turns out the one had known Grandpa's sister's first husband. From there it was back home so that La could be home to her place that night.
While the weekend and Monday had their share of tears it also had times of laughter and fun. On the way back from TN we were privileged to meet up with one of my very good friends from high school for a meal. There was much laughter and talk there. There was also much talk and laughter during the drive with La. I'm definitely a country girl and my nephew is a city boy.
Things don't look like they will slow down much over the next month. Dad is coming down the end of next week and should be here for about two weeks. Squirrel and I will meet him halfway so he doesn't have to drive the entire way down. A week or so after he leaves J and her family will be in the area for about two weeks. 4H fair will be during that time so we will be busy - even though we don't have boys participating we are at the fairgrounds nearly every day for several hours at least. In addition Squirrel has a summer class he is participating in that runs for 3 weeks in July as well as the two online classes he has to complete. Additionally he is considering trying to make a college visit. Stretch has his job on campus that has entered the busy time as well as messages to prepare. Dipstick is working an average of 30 hours a week with his dad here in the shop at home. He's also got a couple of other temporary jobs to do. I am just mom - trying to keep up with cooking, cleaning and working the garden at a friend's.